What is correx sheet?

What is correx sheet? Correx sheet is a lightweight, durable and waterproof material made from polypropylene. It is an excellent choice for various applications, including printing, packaging, signage and more. Here are some essential uses of correx sheet that you may not know about.

Correx, which is short for ‘corrugated plastic,’ is essentially a sheet of card with ridges and grooves running along the length. These ridges and grooves are known as flutes. Correx is explicitly used to make signs.

The main benefit of using corrugated board over other materials such as paper or plastic sheets for making signs is that it has more excellent dimensional stability due to their structure. This means that, unlike paper or plastic boards, the corrugated board will not usually warp or distort in shape and size and so does not require any pre-drying before printing onto it. A second benefit of working with corrugated plastic is that it can carry a high load capacity – up to 50% more than the thickness of the board, which means that it is suitable for making significant and heavy signs. A third benefit is that corrugated plastic can be cut with a knife to form sharp corners, whereas paper and plastic need more specialized cutting tools such as routers or jigsaws for this.

The primary material used in corrugated sheet products is called ‘corrugating medium.’ This comes in various types – single skin, double skin, and triplex are some examples. The different types refer to how many layers have been glued together to make up each flute. Generally speaking, if you’re working with an adhesive, then the thicker the flutes are on your board, then, generally speaking, there will be less chance of the flutes becoming misaligned.

Correx has a gsm of around 275. This means that it is relatively strong but still flexible enough to be easily handled for creating large signs. The thickness of corrugated plastic is measured in grams per metre² or ‘gsm.’ Thicker grades are stronger and more rigid but come with a higher cost.

Correx was first developed by an Englishman called George Sinclair in 1946, who set out to create a material that could replace traditional wooden signboards. He began production at his factory in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and manufacturing is continued there today under the name Rexoline Ltd.

Corrugated boards can also be used as walls for pop-up stalls/banners and other craft and recycling projects.

The corrugated board has a variety of different uses, such as:

– As a backdrop to a shop window display

– To create 3D structures e.g. card or paper

– In pop up stands and banners

– Inside greeting cards, invitations, and letters add structural strength when opening them out into A2 or A1 sizes.


Correx is a versatile material that can be used in various ways to make your business more efficient and environmentally friendly. By using corrugated plastic sheets, you can improve the appearance of your products, reduce shipping costs, and protect the environment. Have you tried any of these methods? Let us know how they worked for you in the comments below.