Aqua Bathroom Mats

Have you ever slipped and nearly fallen in your bathroom? What if you had not been able to break your fall – how serious would your injuries are been? Bathroom falls are pretty common and the injuries tend to be serious because our bathrooms are made of hard materials that can break bones. Young or old, there is no need to take risks in your bathroom when for a small price you can invest in a rubber mat that will ensure you never slip and fall.
Bathroom mats come in all shapes, colours and designs so buying may not be as easy as you think. Before you go shopping you should think about what features you want. Do you want bathmats for your tub, your shower or do you want to place them on the floor? If you are buying bathmats for an elderly person, for example, it should be big enough and there should be one in the bath or shower as well as on the floor to reduce the risk of slipping. There are bathmats for children as well that are designed with their needs in mind.
Your bathmats need to be comfortable too – they may feel nice and squishy in the warm months, but what happens to them in winter? If they become cold and hard they will be impossible to sit or stand on. You should buy mats that come in a material that is not affected by the cold.
Absorbency is also a factor. A good bathroom mat is able to absorb water off your feet once you step out of the shower or bath. Remember, fluffiness is not always an indication that a mat is more absorbent.
For a great selection of high quality Aqua bathroom mats you should try Independence – all their products are high quality, reliable and long lasting. Find out more on their website,