Metal Etching Sheets

You are starting a small manufacturing plant and need to have metal etched for several of your machines. There are two ways that you can do it – you can choose hard tooling, which is a process that uses hard tools and lots of force to produce parts, or you can use photo etching which is a much more reliable and precise method. Here is why:

• Whether you are etching parts big or small you can be sure that you can achieve high accuracy with photo etching. It is very precise even when working with very thin metal sheets. You can be sure that every part that you have photo etches will fit perfectly into the equipment. You can also have spares etches in case you need them in the future.

• Photo etching is great for businesses that are starting out because it is an inexpensive process. Since it is easy and cheap to set up the cost savings will be passed on to you. In addition to that it can be used to produce one part or a million – you will only have to etch the number of parts that you need.

• Photo etching is a time saving process – it takes a short time to get parts that are ready to use. The metal is cleaned and then etched and there are no burrs, which means no time is spent on the de-burring process.

• Photo etching doesn’t compromise the quality of the metal in any way unlike hard tooling which tends to leave metal prone to cracks and tears.

It is recommended that you hire Qualitetch to do your photo etching. They are a UK company that have been etching metal for more than 25 years and they are known for producing superior parts. You can find out more on